Where beauty meets nonviolence

Caucasian family with father holding young girl as mother offers her a miniature house, in front of eco home with solar panels

What is an Ecosystem Integration Consultation? How Can it Help You Design Your Green Home? 

Ecosystem integration is a process by which homeowners, renters, designers, architects and contractors can consider the impact of construction and design on the natural environment. An ecosystem integration consultation with experienced green exterior and interior design consultants gives you the tools to make conscious decisions regarding the impact of your design choices on the surrounding ecosystem. The reason people may need support with these decisions is twofold. First, a professional can offer design expertise to help you to choose innovative materials and design methods that can be environmentally friendly. Second, every ecosystem is different, so an ecosystem integration consultation will help you engage with the unique flora and fauna where your home is located. 

Some examples of questions that call for ecosystem design inputs include:

Are you designing your home in an urban environment?

There are different things to consider when designing a home in an urban or rural environment. There are considerations that involve space, pollution, local flora and fauna, and the availability of resources like power or water. In an urban area you have to work within the local system of power, water and waste infrastructure. In a rural environment you may be pumping your own water, generating electricity via solar panels, disposing of your own waste and more. These decisions become more weighty when you’re starting from scratch in an untouched area. For example unsecured waste can attract animals which could negatively impact their welfare. In an urban environment, your choice to attract pollinators, create shade and reduce water use can have a positive or negative impact on local flora and fauna. For example some plants that attract pollinators could be harmful to free roaming pets. 

Is your home located in a sensitive, delicate ecosystem? 

It’s worth considering our impact on all ecosystems. Some ecosystems could be particularly delicate. If you are living in a coastal area for example, these microclimates might be home to unique flora and fauna that don’t exist elsewhere. Construction and pollution could seriously threaten these plants and animals. You need to understand what you’re getting into when you construct or redesign a home in a sensitive ecosystem. Low impact construction, non-polluting materials, planting native species and careful water management are fundamentals of home design that impacts sensitive ecosystems.

Does the local climate call for heating, cooling or a high level of water use?

The local climate influences your impact on the environment via your needs for water, heating or cooling. If you live in a desert area for example, your daily hygeine needs could be heavy on the local ecosystem. By responsibly participating in individual and community water management initiatives you can help to mitigate your environmental impact. There may be ways you can plant native species, encourage biodiversity and otherwise give back.

At Earth Science Design we have researched the science of conscious design and green interior design for over ten years. We share our expertise with clients who are looking for solutions to help them make design decisions that are compassionate and light on local ecosystems. We offer ecosystem integration consultation to ground your project in responsible science and eco conscious design. With the right consultation for your needs you can tackle the problem from the ground up and avoid any harmful impacts. We can also connect you with innovative suppliers, craftspeople and contractors who can help you realize your low impact design dreams. We have offices in San Diego, CA, Brooklyn, NYC and Paris France. We can work with you remotely or in person depending on what’s convenient for you. Please contact us to learn more about our ecosystem integration and green home design services.